Networld is the free search engine that does not enrich itself from the users' data and is therefore a perfect alternative. We have made it our mission to provide a safe space for internet users. This means no tracking and no data collection. When we talk about search engines, numerous providers immediately come to mind in this context. However, name and fame do not always necessarily make a positive and customer-friendly function. In most cases, it is not a search engine without tracking or a search engine without data storage. However, especially in this day and age, a search engine with privacy and without surveillance is extremely important.

The secure search engine Networld does not store any data and therefore offers a high degree of anonymity and privacy as a search engine without tracking.
Many users of well-known search engines usually do not know what data is stored there. Also, the reason why search engines perform this storage and use of personal data is known to only a few users.
In a conventional search query, users provide data that is then used to create a user profile. Advertisements are then personalized on the basis of this user profile. In other words, the people in question are effectively manipulated.
Here, the search engines use not only the time and the type of query, but also the search term itself . For example, if you search for the term "romantic evening for two" in the evening hours, this is already an indication of a household without children. The more one now searches in this area, the more extensive the user profile that is created.
In addition to the respective search queries, the providers also store data such as the end device and the browser used for the query. Any data collected is then filtered and used to personalize advertising measures.
So it's no coincidence if, for example, you search for leisure opportunities and subsequently get advertisements for this very thing on numerous websites and in the social media area.
The situation is completely different with the Networld search engine. Networld works completely without tracking and does not record or collect any data. For users who want to remain anonymous on the web, Networld has clear advantages as a search engine without monitoring.
The Networld search engine without tracking is suitable for use because - unlike other providers - we attach particular importance to our privacy policy. We anonymize all search queries and do not create user profiles.

Networld is committed to your surveillance-free zone!

Only 5 years ago no one talked about data protection, but today people have become smarter and are getting more and more information about data protection and surveillance. Networld should therefore become the largest provider of various services and products that protect people from surveillance! Networld does NOT store any data from you! None at all!

Everyone wants your data - like secret services!

Big companies want our data without leaving us any other choice. Yes, it is almost an extortion, because if we do not agree to the privacy policies of these companies, we do not get any opportunities to use their services. In the past, secret services had to spend a lot of time gathering people's data, but today people voluntarily give it away.

Your data is worth its weight in gold!

Many have not yet understood what this is all about.

1. What’s my data worth?

There are many different guidelines for measuring the value of the data. There are some descriptions on the internet, e.g. a dataset is rated at about 25 centimes. That sounds pretty little, but when it's multiplied by 1 million, we're already at 250'000 CHF. The value also depends on how many services people use: WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. There are studies that estimate the value of an email address at 75 centimes. But it's not about how much money different services earn with your data, but much more that according to your data, you are put in a pigeonhole: what you like to eat, your preferences, where you like to go, how much time you spend on the internet, with whom you are connected and what you write in your mails or WhatsApp messages. That sounds harmless. But do you know how the world will develop in 20 to 30 years and how you will be judged or even discriminated against according to your preferences? Do you want to be pigeonholed according to your data, where you as a person are being judged? Your desires, opinions, illnesses, etc. may change, but your data will remain like a tattoo on your skin that cannot be removed!
Summarized, it’s not about how much others earn on you, but about how you are personally evaluated today and which of your data will play a role in the future.

2. Who wants to have our data?
It has been reported many times that Facebook, Google and Co. sell data to enrich themselves. To whom are they sold? On the one hand to the advertising industry, health insurances, insurance companies, hackers and on the other hand to the governments like NSA, BND etc.
In summary, your data is wanted by all those who want to know how you live, what you do and how they can rip you off and make money on you.

3. What happens to my data?
The data is provided for advertising purposes. Advertisers pay money to find out what you want and then offer you customized advertising. But that's not all. There are "hidden" studies that collect and evaluate your data to ultimately classify you, such as: dealing with health, behavior in traffic, tax evaders, wine lovers, opponents of a political direction, etc., so that the government or other institutions are prepared when it comes to making certain decisions. This is not about offering you advertising, but evaluating your private opinion, e.g. based on your likes in services like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or WhatsApp messages. It identifies what you like or dislike, whether you are Christian or Muslim, whether you are for or against homosexuality, or what your attitude toward the environment is.
In summary: Based on your digital life, you will be evaluated and sorted out into a PRO or CONTRA pigeonhole.

4. What negative consequences can I suffer as a user in the future?
Your data will be used for promotional purposes to sell advertisements according to your preferences. But that's not all. The data is used for evaluations, e.g. to use analytics to evaluate your mental state, whether you are stable or unstable. Whether you have or will have financial difficulties. Are you classified as at risk of theft? You will be judged before you think in one direction. They would like to manipulate you in this sense, think of Fake News! You may be less interested today, but do you know what awaits you personally in 20 or 30 years? How will politics change until then? Remember the Second World War! Was it not lawful to oppress Jews during this time? So you could be rated or even discriminated against according to your preferences or needs. In short, do not just think about who you are today and what you are interested in today, but who you will be in the future, or how the world could change in the future, so that you do not agree with it.

Google has a lock on you
Google stores your search and uses it to display personalized advertising. So, you shop where Google wants and eat at restaurants Google has chosen for you.

Google manipulates your life and makes decisions for you. You’re a human puppet.
Your behavior is being monitored, stored, and then analyzed. So your hit list or search results are manipulated and adapted.

Google follows your every step, but not because it likes you
Google monitors you and knows exactly where you were, where you are now, which movie theatre, bars and restaurants you last visited by the data collected. Your digital fingerprints are all over the internet. And the data is used to make money.

Google steals from you
Did you know Google stores meta data of your images? So it’s easy to determine which camera you’re using. And thanks to the data stored by Google, your address and city aren’t as secret as you thought. This makes it very easy for burglars to get a hand on your goods.

Google determines your future
Just imagine you found the job of your dreams but Google objects. A long forgotten video on YouTube or a picture put an end to your dreams and you didn’t even know about it. Maybe the job of your dreams didn’t work out, but what about the woman of your dreams? Perhaps you’d have a shot if it wasn’t for Google storing your data? Ok, so you’ll have more time to spend on your hobbies. Whether it’s bungee jumping, rock climbing or diving, you love extreme sports. But what does your insurance company think of that? Don’t be surprised if you’re quickly determined to be a high-risk person and your rates go up.

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